It had been a long week at work already, although it was only Wednesday, and I was feeling a bit down, tired and already stressed. The holidays just have a way of doing that sometimes. Feeling the pressure of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, the twist commercialism puts on Christmas is just wearing sometimes. This is the time of year when we should be filled with the most joy and celebrate the birth of Jesus, his LOVE, his peace. I was just leaving work and contemplating the bah-humbug Christmas poem a friend had shared with me about working our tails off, running here and there to keep up with the Joneses, shopping, parties, functions, dinners and on and on with stress as the main course served up daily for the last month of the year. It was then my cell rang and on the other end I heard the high, excited exuberance of my dear friend telling me “Betty, You just HAVE to go to Julien’s Auction House in Beverly Hills. They have SOOO much Michael stuff on display. YOU JUST HAVE TO SEE IT!!” She went into detail about her day seeing MJ’s belongings and suddenly, magically as Michael has done so many times I felt my whole being change. Michael just has a way of doing that to those who love him. I most certainly couldn’t deny I wanted to see anything… simply ANYTHING… that belonged to Michael up close and personal, but there was a gnawing in the pit in my stomach. My heart began to ache, like so many times before, as I thought of what Michael endured over the last two decades of his life. Those that wanted what was his, those that used him, the hangers on, the opportunists, the greedy, those that plotted, planned and put into motion schemes that would lead ultimately to Michael’s death. In that process many items which belonged to Michael had vanished, apparently showing up at auctions and then disappearing again.There has been so much controversy and speculation about where Michael's belongings have gone.
Holding a private conversation with the main man in my life I prayed, “Dear Lord, are these some of those items and if so what gives me the right to go and gaze upon them?” Encouraged by my friend’s exuberance I simply felt I needed to go and see for myself the next day. One of Michael’s gold fencing shirts from the Dangerous Tour was on display. That in itself was the final straw… the magnet that drew me toward Beverly Hills. I placed my desire to see MJ’s items, my car and the California freeways in the Lord’s hands and asked Him to guide me there, as I set out on my Michaeling mission.
Once the car was parked which was an adventure in itself and I might say to the inexperienced here, be forewarned you need to take a fist full of bills to park in Beverly Hills, I made my way to my destination, as I opened the doors and entered from the cold, dark night into the warm, bright light of the showroom, it seemed as though I stepped into another time zone. Yes in fact it was the Julien’s Auction show room zone. The nicely suited attendants greeted me and an invisible force drew me to the display of the “Beat It” jacket, the sequined glove, make up case and so much more than I can list. Most all items signed personally by Michael Jackson. I looked at his famous signature and thought of Michael’s hands, and seeing each item the thought that he had touched, used or had worn almost every item there suddenly hit home. An attendant walked with me and I asked the burning question in my heart, “Where did all these things come from?” As I looked around and witnessed with my own eyes he assured me “Almost every item here was signed my MJ and given freely to people as gifts or to auctions by MJ, to be sold to raise money for charity because that is just how Michael Jackson was. He was always giving away his things to make people happy.”

Now I was drifting from display to display effortlessly, no more stress, or holiday pressures… what holiday? I had now entered the world of Michael Jackson’s closet as I gazed at his jackets, jumpsuits, hats, “The Belt” he wore on his 45th birthday, this belt along with many other items designed and tailored by Michael’s very good friends, Michael Bush and Dennis Tompkins, a sequined white glove, and YES the gold fencing shirt... which… oh yes indeed… I smelled! Up close and personal I sniffed this outfit. YES… that’s right, I freely admit it... I smelled MJ’s fencing shirt and I have to say… but can’t be sure… I may have detected a hint of Bal a Versailles. Ok… I know only a die hard MJ fan would go sniffing for traces of MJ’s sweat and cologne, but then how many times does someone like me get to see up close and personal the stage costumes or clothes of Michael Jackson?! Was it just wishful thinking… another sniff… No I really think it…

I took many, many pictures. I asked to see the secret backroom. The Executive Director, Martin Nolan, who was lovely to me and so much fun to joke with, wanted to know how I knew about the secret back room. I told him I couldn’t reveal my sources… only that, “Fans just know these things.” He shook his head at me, not for the first time that night, rolled his eyes and we laughed and then he asked one of the attendants, Allen, to escort me to the back room. Others, Julien family members, who were working there also came along as they were surprised to learn about the back room items as well and wanted to take a gander. To my surprise on display were full sized, soft rubber, wax looking statues of Indians and cowboys, which MJ had set up in the Indian Village at Neverland near the train tracks. I must say the Indian sitting cross legged with the peace pipe made me step back. He was a bit scary looking but I am sure in the outdoor, tee pee setting he fit quit well. They were simply amazing to view, like a secret peek into Michael’s longing for his boyhood and his wonderful childlike, fun imagination.

John Lennon's Sgt. Peppers Jacket:

My friend who had raced against time and rush hour traffic to arrive before closing popped in the door and I greeted her with a big hug. The stress of the road melted from her shoulders as we began to peruse the displays together and take more pictures of one another. We posed grinning from ear to ear next to MJ’s “Beat It” jacket. I was so thrilled to see a jacket from the world’s BEST Super Bowl half time show EVER signed by Michael and a game football signed by both Michael and Troy Aickman, an original Michael Jackson doll from the 80’s with the original price tag of $14.95 on the box, gold records, platinum records, J5 memorabilia signed by all the Jackson 5, The original Motown contract the J5 signed as children, This Is It tickets, Victory Tour memorabilia, a signed Smooth Criminal hat, a Hungarian military hat signed with a written note from Michael saying “Thanks for your support. All my love, Michael Jackson, 1994”, there were 3 black, stage worn, signed fedoras with Michael’s name printed inside, and the Julien’s Auction catalog from April 25, 2009 signed in gold by Michael Jackson. This one stopped me short and my heart sunk, as I read the date and realized, two months later to the day Michael lay dead. I felt a wave of nausea come over me and I felt the anger rise. Still there is NO justice! God hear our prayers!

The Julien’s director, Martin, allowed me the privilege of roaming the displays with the catalog in hand. I was juggling the camera, the catalog, my purse and sweater when I realized the other catalogs were chained down and then asked how much they were. He smiled and said “For you, $100.” I laughed and then made my way back to the desk and gingerly put it back on the stand like I didn't want to break it. As I set it back on it’s easel he said to me, "I have one just for you." I thought again he was joking and meant if I paid the 100 bucks. Later just before I left he handed me a catalog with both hands and slightly bowed like he was handing over the crown jewels to the queen, royally presented me with a catalog. I felt very much honored and thanked him. Later the next day checking online I realized he wasn't joking they really do cost $100. All I could say was “Wow!! It was definitely my night!!” If you are reading this Martin, again I thank you for your generous kindness.

The Julien’s director, Martin, allowed me the privilege of roaming the displays with the catalog in hand. I was juggling the camera, the catalog, my purse and sweater when I realized the other catalogs were chained down and then asked how much they were. He smiled and said “For you, $100.” I laughed and then made my way back to the desk and gingerly put it back on the stand like I didn't want to break it. As I set it back on it’s easel he said to me, "I have one just for you." I thought again he was joking and meant if I paid the 100 bucks. Later just before I left he handed me a catalog with both hands and slightly bowed like he was handing over the crown jewels to the queen, royally presented me with a catalog. I felt very much honored and thanked him. Later the next day checking online I realized he wasn't joking they really do cost $100. All I could say was “Wow!! It was definitely my night!!” If you are reading this Martin, again I thank you for your generous kindness.
I had taken 100's of pictures, a fact that Martin did not miss and approached and commented in his Irish brogue, “Well gone are the days when the Instamatic took 24 pictures and that was it and you had to take them into Rite Aid or the drug store for development.” I realized suddenly maybe I was crossing boundaries saying “Oh I’m sorry! Do you want me to quit?” He laughed and said “No you go right ahead and take your pictures. I guess then all that photography we worked so hard on in the catalog is not good enough?” I then revealed “Well I write stories and like to use my own pictures.” He laughed out loud and shaking his head again gave me a jovial, “Oh! NOW you tell us!”
MJ fans are still fiercely protective of MJ, his children and mother, so after checking out every last item including the back room three times I went to the main desk where Martin was working and where Darren Julien was standing close by and again voiced my concern about the source of all the MJ items, with an ache in my heart for MJ I inquired of Martin, “Please answer this question for me. I need to know, are any of these things taken from MJ? What is the source of all these items? What about the family?” He assured me saying “All items are donated and they were gifts from MJ to fans and friends. Some were items MJ donated, when he was alive to other auctions to raise money for different charities and causes. They did not sell and were returned to Michael Jackson and are now in this auction. Some are from the family, the estate and Katherine and the family all gave their blessing, all except Joe. The items belong to others and were freely given on consignment for this auction.” There have been many false rumors and it felt good to hear the family had given approval for this auction, well all except Joe, so for me it was the majority. I believe it is just like that in large families, not all members agree on everything or join in each venture. It was also very clear that the vast majority of items displayed for auction were clearly signed and had been given to others by MJ and that supported Martin’s statement.

A sudden burst of hope leaped in my heart spurring me on to ask, “MJ’s Carousel?” Martin’s response filled me with even more hope and again put to rest yet another untruth as he assured me, “You know MJ himself hand painted some of the horses on that carousel. It has special meaning. MJ made sure to dismantle it and store it carefully in a warehouse on Neverland where it still is today, untouched.” My heart was over flowing and like the unashamed MJ fan that I am I blurted out, “Really? Oh my God! It’s STILL there? Really there? At Neverland?” which elicited Martin to reveal, “Yes, there is a huge, massive warehouse on the property at Neverland where MJ’s things are stored. Safe and protected.” Astounded I slapped the desk happily and heard myself exhale with great enthusiasm, “Thank God! Another rumor put to rest! There are so many false rumors!” I then thought about the other Neverland treasures that had also been on auction like the train and all the bronze statues MJ so lovingly collected and had displayed about Neverland. I had read they were all gone now, just a memory of past glory days. I needed to know, “What about all the bronze statues that had been on auction? Were they sold? I read they are all gone now.” Martin’s quick emphatic response dispelled all previous stories as he said “No, NONE of them were sold. They were returned to Neverland and are also in storage.” In a ‘Need to Know’ voice I added, “And the train? What about the train? Michael would not have wanted to sell the train!” He again emphatically replied “No. The train was never on auction. You know Michael named that train after his mother, Katherine?” I shook my head up and down as he continued, “He would never sell that train. It was special. No, it too is stored away.” So many rumors went…puff… up in smoke, vanished in one short conversation. Maybe the one positive rumor of Neverland being restored is not so impossible after all. Yes in my heart and mind there is definitely hope now. I do not want to think about the people who partially own Neverland now or how they were involved in anything horrible that happened to MJ… yet that thought looms large in my mind. My hope and prayers for MJ3 are that all that is rightfully theirs will be restored to them.
It was a great evening at Julien’s Auction house in Beverly Hills. Every one of the people who work at Julien’s are wonderful, warm, friendly and accommodating. I smiled all the next day every time I thought about MJ’s belongings still safely stored away and that I was able to be so close to so many items MJ owned, wore, performed in and gave to others in love. It’s a funny thing when someone dies how their belongings become so much more important. It was like that with my mom…just a piece of her near me. MJ’s generous giving heart was so apparent in many of these items, and in every signature I saw. The thought of how many thousands of times he must have signed his name to make others happy just makes me love him all the more. Of course thoughts of how wonderful it would be for the MJ3 to be able to acquire Neverland and all of their father’s belongings, which really should rightfully be theirs anyway, allowed for hope to spring anew. I know Michael was so crushed at Neverland and expressed his deepest hurt about that when he said “I won’t live there again. It’s a house now. It’s not a home anymore”, but this was the children’s first home with their father and in protecting them MJ never let them see his broken heart and spirit while living there. For them I am sure there will always be many wonderful Neverland family memories.
I thought, “Ok… Heerree we go!” I was not disappointed. I simply couldn't resist and bid on several items but was out bid which my wallet and budget thank God for. My MJ love wishes so much I would have won. I about died as I noticed the gold fencing shirt was coming up just two more down on the list. I reached for the key board to be ready, grabbing it randomly I hit a key and suddenly the screen read in bright green, “You are the top bidder” and I realized in shock I was now accidently bidding on a 2nd Neverland Golf Cart. The 1st one had sold for only $1,200 so in my clumsiness I just put myself in the running for the 2nd one at $2,250. Quickly realizing the other one went for less, I prayed “Dear Jesus, please let someone else bid. I really don’t need a golf cart!” In slow motion the auctioneer began to say in a parent “Peanuts” voice “Theeee… wiinnnner… issss…” then my prayer was answered and someone else bid, with many others jumping on board, a flurry of bids took place making the winning bid $8,750. Of course it could have been much worse and I could have accidentally bid on a $40,000 item. I would have just fallen out right then and there with no one around to revive me, in the end though, once the shock wore off, I actually felt sort of sad as I thought about taking the grand kids and friends on rides in MJ’s Neverland golf cart. How cool would that have been?
Oh how I pray MJ sees how much he is loved and thought about as he watches down from heaven. It was all very interesting but several times I could not help but think about how MJ would feel about this auction. I just kept feeling like maybe MJ would have wanted all this money to go to charity…. as Allen, the attendant said, “…because that is just how Michael Jackson was.” Yes the facts prove Michael Jackson was one of the kindest, most generous, caring humans on this planet. We will be missing you forever MJ!
A random sample list of great items with end sale prices:
3 black, stage worn, signed fedoras:
1 - $53,125
2 - $31,250
3 - $72,000
White Smooth Criminal, stage worn fedora, signed: $72,000
Hungarian military hat, signed: $8,960
MTV award statue: $72,000
Helmsley Palace doorman’s jacket which MJ wore many times, signed: $31,250
Bubbles’ MJ matching racing outfit, signed: $9,500
Beat It Jacket, signed: $96,000
Beat It sheet music signed by MJ, signed: $6,500
Studded, Bad, black leather arm guard: $31,250
Military style jacket MJ wore when he met Nelson Mandella, signed: $60,800
Gem encrusted football bag, gift to MJ by Katherine Baumann, with MJ’s name: $1,750
MJ’s make up case, signed: $5,760
The belt MJ wore for his 45th birthday party: $12,800
Promotional Invincible sign, signed: $1,664
Neverland Valley T-shirt, signed: $1,500
Michael Jackson doll, original box, signed: $1,625
I am so thrilled to know that two wonderful Michael Jackson fans were the winners of the both of these amazing items. The Neverland T-shirt signed "Love, Michael Jackson" and the studded belt Michael wore on his 45th birthday!! It is so wonderful to know these treasured items will be cherished for all time by people who love Michael Jackson!!!!
Deborah Soroky from Glendale, California wins the Neverland T-shirt signed by Michael!!
Final winning auction price: $ 2,100
Michael wore to his 45th birthday party, final winning auction price: $12,800!!

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