Original post on www.MJ-Upbeat.com on February 13, 2010
Betty Shares With Us Her Moments At Murray's Arraignment February 8, 2010
A Day with Dr. Death
by Betty
A call to action for all MJ fans had gone out via the internet to protest against Conrad Murray’s Non Arrest. Fans were now making plans to rally and stand together in protest against the “Non Arrest” on arraignment day at the Los Angeles Airport Court House. I had been one of the thousands of people calling in and emailing to demand Conrad Murray’s arrest “in handcuffs” for the murder of Michael Jackson, seven long months after his death.
I had no idea that my decision to hold a sign and stand for Michael Jackson would turn out to be a spiritual experience for me. I began to doubt I should be there at all, so I prayed asking for direction. I was also hesitant to make the drive there alone. Fear and anxiety had loomed over me... but I wasn’t sure if it was the sickening feeling of confronting Dr. Death or the not knowing where or what I was walking into. Although the drive was more than an hour it seemed to pass in just moments as I sang along with MJ the whole way... but as I reached the end of the journey fear gripped me again. I was praying and asking the Lord to help me as I pulled off the freeway and on to city streets. Feeling not so sure that I would actually take part I sent up one last request for an answer, some sort of assurance that I was truly suppose to be there and… then so crystal clear over the loudly playing MJ music that is the backdrop of my life…I heard MJ's voice from This Is It. "It's an adventure. We're going to go places we've never been before, do things we've never done before." All trepidation lifted from me, joy literally filled my heart and determination took root. Instead I now NEEDED to stand strong as an MJ Soldier of LOVE. Because of this experience and a few others I feel MJ is so truly in heaven with the LORD! The Lord confirmed it for me again that day as I heard MJ’s words ring in my mind. I now know beyond any shadow of doubt that MJ is with his heavenly Father.
I arrived to find news crews and media from all over the world everywhere. A plethora of cables, trucks, satellite feeds, antenna towers and people just everywhere. Picking up my step I forged on up the drive and as I approached the curve to the front entrance suddenly a police officer barked “Mammm!” I looked around for the Mammm and realized he was referring to me. Ha-ha!. The sheriff impatiently repeated “Mammm” adding “PLEASE move to the side!” I did a quick side step and turned my head to see and feel the heat from the front Jackson caravan SUV glide by me. SUV after SUV motored up the driveway to the court house. I tried to quickly raise my sign to show them my support. Heaviness began to fill my heart. I was to find out later that the 1st SUV was indeed Michael’s dark blue Escalade.

Quickly I sought out familiar faces and found my wonderful, loving friends from MJFSC (Michael Jackson Fans of Southern California) were there at the front line. Every where I looked fans from other websites and Face Book pages were there in support of Michael. Some famous faces and every day people like me. Many new found friends with one common thread of love that ties us inexplicable together. My friend Robyn says “Each fan is a thread of a large tapestry woven together in a shroud of love to protect Michael forever”. Before me were people of all races, nations and creeds, there to stand as Soldiers of LOVE for Michael Jackson, standing now for JUSTICE FOR MICHAEL JACKSON.

As I approached the front of the line, with sign in hand, where MJFSC friends stood, a sheriff deputy instructed me to stay back on the other side of the court yard. Signs were not allowed within 150 feet of the walk way. I stepped back a few feet and lowered the sign. I was given a red armband to wear by Heidi and we helped each other attached our arm bands. Moments later the Jackson family emerged from their cars. The entire court yard seemed to take a simultaneous breath in. It may have been me but it was suddenly VERY quiet in spite of the clicking, flashing and camera jockeying everything suddenly seemed to all move in slow motion. The air was thicker and the grief was palpable.
First Jermaine and his wife stepped out and began to move up the walk toward the building, and then Joe Jackson who stood and waited for his wife and family, Tito also waited at car side and extended a helping hand to his mother, Katherine. Then Jackie, Rebbie and Latoya emerged along with some of Michael’s nephews, family members and friends. Katherine stood waiting for a moment or two for her family to gather around her and then began the slow, painful walk to the courthouse to confront her son’s murderer. I had the feeling Michael was at her side.
Oh how he loved his mother. Perfection is how he described her.
There were some fans who cried out “We LOVE you Katherine”,
“We LOVE you Jacksons”, “JUSTICE for MICHAEL”.
About fifteen minutes later Randy Jackson arrived. At first everyone thought it was Conrad Murray and the energy level immediately shot up several hundred notches, then realizing it was Randy immediately another collective breath out. Randy stepped from his car looking fresh and sharp but clearly weary from grief. He too received the same encouraging cheers of “We Love You Randy”, “JUSTICE for MICHAEL”. Then while sitting in the courtroom on Twitter Randy told the fans: Sitting in court & I'm sad. Those profiting most from my bro’s death: AEG, Randy Phillips, Kenny Ortega, Estate Executors r nowhere in sight.

We all took to our posts to wait for Dr. Death to arrive and then 1 hour later a white SUV pulled up. Was it just a coincidence a white SUV taxied him to the courthouse? I remembered a white SUV many years earlier in a slow chase by the L.A.P.D. down the 405 freeway as O.J. ran for his freedom. Others made the same comment. If CM’s lawyers had planned to bring him in on a white horse the plan had failed in our eyes. It was a detail not missed by most. The energy level shot up. I felt sick. My skin was crawling. I have never ever felt anything like it in my life. There was a force taking over. I had chills; the hair on my arms was standing on end. My feet left the ground as I sprang forward toward him hoisting my sign.

The justice on this day was quite different from the harsh treatment Michael received in his lifetime. Michael was handcuffed, humiliated and drug off to jail and he was completely innocent. This man admitted to giving the fatal medication which killed Michael Jackson and Homicide charges are already filed. I am hoping that at the very, very least the sheriffs will have him in handcuffs. He however stays true to his deceitful self and emerges from the car with his hands behind him and I am asking everyone around “Is he in handcuffs?” Everyone is looking and acknowledging “Yes he is in handcuffs!” Then he reveals as he walks and swings his arms freely to the front and adjusts his suit jacket that he is not hand cuffed at all.
We the fans had promised the Jackson’s we would be dignified and handle ourselves respectfully and I for one tried very hard to follow through with that request and stay civil and calm but when Dr. Death walked down the path I simply HAD to scream MURDERER! MURDERER!! JUSTICE FOR MICHAEL!! Most all of us did! Some just yelled WE LOVE YOU MICHAEL! I guess that would have been the more loving and dignified thing
but I just couldn't muster it.
Everyone could see him clearly. He is very tall. People began to talk about him openly. I was disgusted he was not handcuffed. Somehow for me if he would have been hand cuffed it would have been a sign that justice would be served. Seeing him walking freely spoke volumes to me and it suddenly hit me like a ton of bricks. The gravity of the injustice extolled to Michael Jackson in his life and I began to cry openly. I had my sign and hid behind it and sobbed for Michael. That is when a journalist from Japan approached and behind my sign asked if he could interview me. He was a kind, soft spoken man and told me in Japan, Michael has many, many fans, which I already knew but hearing him share it was comforting. He seemed to love Michael too. So I spoke to him about my feelings and why I needed to be there as I cried for Michael.

The media was interviewing all the fans. It was so crazy. Media frenzy at every turn. I called in sick so couldn't let my face be seen on TV but apparently when you want to hide from the pap they only get intrigued. I realize now that I may have ‘possibly’ looked like Debbie Rowe hiding with my blonde hair behind my sign. I think every one of us was interviewed by news centers and stations all over the world. TMZ and CNN ran live feed. I hid behind my poster most of the day until my son called my cell and said "Uhh mom, I know you don't want to be seen but you are on live feed on CNN right now and they are filming your face" So I gave up hiding and helped to hold up the JUSTICE banner too. I was very low key but was personally interviewed by Los Angeles, Japan, South American and Australian news crews; those I remember but there were more. I was dizzy there were so many. I declined many requests. Most especially ALL of the Channel 7 interviews letting them know it was because they hired Martin Bashir to cover this trial. Martin Bashir a despicable man who I also hold accountable for Michael’s death, as well as Tom Sneddon. They might as well have been in the room with Murray that night. It felt good to voice that I have boycotted channel 7 because of Bashir’s dirty, twisted documentary and untrue, salacious treatment of Michael Jackson. I am sure the reporters really could care less about not getting an interview with a nobody like me but it felt darn good to stick up for MJ and voice my opinion to someone from the ABC.

We waited for any news from inside the court room, as crew after crew photographed posters and banners and interviewed fans non stop for what seemed like hours. I lost all track of time. It was a complete whirlwind. I began to get a tiny glimpse at Michael Jackson’s life. The non stop paparazzi frenzy that followed him everywhere was really too much to bear. The delicate way you have to word everything so it isn’t misconstrued or twisted. So much disregard for personal space, wishes and privacy. My heart ached for him, his family, his mother and his children.
Slowly messages were passed from friends who won lottery tickets to sit in the courtroom. The DA was asking for $300,000 bail. Not enough as far as the fans were concerned. Then shockingly it was lowered to $75,000. That was worse but better than the unfathomable $25,000. First no handcuffs and then a drop in the bucket bail amount, we all wanted him in jail NOW. Then the biggest insult, the end to this day of so called justice is just so sad.
My stomach aches. My heart breaks. My tears flow.
The arraignment is over. The judge sent the case "for safety reasons" to L.A. court after a minor scolding. CM’s punishment for murdering the biggest, most beloved entertainer in the world is:
1. He is no longer allowed to administer propofol.
What? Wouldn’t an anesthesiologist and not a cardiologist administer propofol anyway?
2. Oh yes and the very harsh disciplinary action by the judge also prohibits him from practicing medicine in California. Oh yeah that’s right…hmmm… his practices are in Texas and Nevada. 3. He was ordered to surrender his passport. 4. The next court appearance is set for April, if continuances are not granted.
Like a hot potato the judge said good riddance to the case and sent it downtown. Slapped CM on the wrist & basically sent him out the door. He arrived with bail bondsman in tow... paid the bail and left, somehow smuggled out. A travesty!
MJ’s song “They Really Don’t Care About Us” springs to mind.
Let's all pray the next judge is an MJ lover
or at least a lover of common decency and
true justice.
In the end Michael’s family went out the back
door and the paparazzi ran to the back to
mob them and Katherine was practically
crushed. I felt so badly for her having to go through
such a terribly long and unbelievable difficult day.
Myself along with many other fans were rooted
where we stood waiting for the press
conference to begin. Several fans who only met
one another that day stood together to hold up
banners and signs for “Justice for Michael”.
We placed ourselves directly behind the
Conrad Murray’s defense team on a wall where we
were visible during the conference.
They said something about “If the prosecution had
any real proof of Conrad Murray’s guilt they would
not have taken so long to bring charges. Our signs
and chants calling for justice countered their
typical hype and posturing.
Michael’s little brother, Randy Jackson, came out the front door, the same door he had gone in upon arrival and escaped most of the paparazzi. There was a sad and respectful silence in the courtyard as he walked through. Then shouts of “I Love You Randy”, “Thank You Randy”, “We Love You Randy” rang out. He very humbly waved to the fans and unceremoniously climbed in the front seat of the limo with his driver and they left. We waited and checked several doors but Conrad Murray was smuggled out.
Every time I picture those police officers huddled around Conrad Murray protecting him from the "fans" I just feel sick. How deeply I wish the fans could have protected Michael Jackson from Conrad Murray and so many others. I picture the raid on Neverland and the bruises on Michael’s arms. I am certain of one thing… NO ONE in this life gets away with murder…even if you manage to walk free on this earth.
You will answer to the ultimate judge! Your evilness does not escape God’s eye.
I am feeling as if I will never stop, the world will never stop grieving the loss of Michael Jackson. Evil tried to stop Michael Jackson but has not succeeded. Will not ever succeed! Every fiber of Michael’s being was all about LOVE and even in death he is STILL spreading his L.O.V.E.
The tapestry of MJ’s LOVE grows more everyday as fans continue to connect
with one another all around the world,
brought together by love of Michael Jackson, and in so doing
one of his greatest desires to unite the world in LOVE is being achieved.
What a legacy!!! What an incredible man!!!
Photo credit CowboyMJ Jackson MJFSC, Karlene Taylor MJFSC, Toby Canham/Getty Images, Fredrick M. Brown/ Getty Images,