These days, there are books about Michael that talk about all kinds of things about him: his personal life, his money, his impact, the false allegations, his music. However, there are a few books that focused on what made Michael the legend that he became and at times, those books are not widely used when describing Michael's impact. Making Michael Inside the Career of Michael Jackson by Mike Smallcombe is a rare book that not only focuses on the music but his impact, the promotion, his mindset and his genius. However, as I continue to read the book, I started to realize that this book was like so many books on Michael: a disappointment. The book, towards the later parts of his life, starts to become tabloid and facts about what Michael was really going through with Sony Music, AEG and his finances was not something the author wanted to discuss.
On November 26, 2016, Dangerous will celebrate 25 years and when Michael was making the album, he originally was not going to a album of new music. Eventually, as he was working on the album, he probably start to realized that this album was an piece of work that literally changed the way he was seen as a musician, singer and legend. Dangerous was his first conscious album and he wanted to focus on issues that pop singers of his era were not really focused on. Dangerous is one of Michael's albums that majority of the mainstream media loves to ignore. The media would constantly dwell on Thriller and Off The Wall and if one is lucky, the media would make a big deal about Bad or History. Dangerous is the album that is underrated because that was the first time Michael not trying to chase any goal. I decided to do more research on my favorite album and because of this anniversary, I did a list of 25 facts about the album and the era. An era that was starting off very well but ended so badly and I will explain why I think that was the case. I hope you all enjoy this list and share it with anyone who loves Michael or loves music in general.
michael jackson tribute party
Selasa, 06 Februari 2018
Rabu, 25 Oktober 2017
SCREAM - THRILLER 3D 🎶 Oh What A Night 🎶
SCREAM Premiere Los Angeles - Oct. 24, 2017
A very long awaited and much needed boost of absolute joy for MJ fans occurred in Hollywood last night at the SCREAM Premiere. It was wonderful to see some familiar MJ fans were able to fly in to attend the one night event. A large German contingent of MJ fans happen to be in Los Angeles and attended. For those who could not make it to L.A. you were with us in our hearts and definitely were missed and thought of during the night. Many local So. Cal. Fans from Michael Jackson Fans of Southern California (MJFSC) and some from neighboring states also made the drive to Hollywood for the festivities.
The Estate and MJ Online Team were of course at the helm with John Branca, Karen Langford and the MJ Online team all working to make this wonderful event and the night a big success. Director John Landis and the incredible award winning, special effects wizard, Rick Baker, and wardrobe people who helped make the Thriller short film the very BEST of all time were in attendance and were shown high appreciation. They sat only a few rows behind us. Also choreographer and dancer Travis Payne, beautiful Ola Ray and Joe and Jackie Jackson were in attendance among other celebs. Nick Cannon was our laid back host and donned gold glittery shoes to honor MJ for the occasion. He proudly talked about how he is/has always been a HUGE MJ fan and was not ashamed to MJ fan boy for all to see.
The sweltering 100 degree Hollywood heat did not dampen our spirits too much as we excitedly waited in line on a side street for over an hour. It was an odd place for us to line up but allowed the ticket organizers from IOTA to ascertain only those with tickets obtained entrance. It was so wonderful to see so many beautiful and wonderful MJ fans together again. And as always greeting and meeting new MJ friends is really awesome. We truly are a special sisterhood… oh yes and wonderful MJ brothers as well. The MJ fam is just the BEST. Finally we were led in groups of 30 to Hollywood Blvd. whooping and whoo hooing our MJ Thriller best along the way. Our group was first to be led to the theater as a witty guide led us down the street admonishing us we'd get lost if we decided to duck in for any fried chicken or stop to take music CDs from hawkers on the street. So down and around the corner we marched together laughing and smiling then across blocked off Hollywood Blvd. I have to say it was a special feeling walking through the barriers past everyone on the street and down the red carpet to the main Graumans theater entrance.
The night was off to a roaring start in a really 80s sort of way when on our walk to the theater along Hollywood Blvd. my heart stopped as I looked up from the Hollywood stars passing under my feet to see a Tom Cruise, in his prime, Top Gun look alike with a dazzling smile and glint in his eye smiling at me. And yes the words “You can be my wingman anytime” sprang to mind.
As we entered the large double lobby doors and walked past glass encased memorabilia from old Hollywood movies I was reminded of the Cleopatra memorabilia I’d previously viewed in the Grauman’s lobby and felt surely Elizabeth Taylor was happy to be represented on this special MJ night just as she had supported her dear friend, Michael, through the thick and thin of his life. We stopped at the counter for free movie popcorn and drinks. MJ’s spirit lifting music played loudly, the notes surrounding us, our hands full of our snacks and drinks, drawing us through the doors of the plush theater. There is just something very special about MJ’s music… it’s uplifting and heals the soul. We made our way down the stairs to our seats.
This is the first time I’ve been in the main Grauman’s theater since it’s been refurbished. They did a simply magnificent job of retaining the wonderful, elegant, Old Hollywood, original Grauman’s look. The only standout, main change is that there is no longer one long sweeping descent down the isle to the stage but now they've created two levels. Each with total viewing access to the screen. As always the best seats at most MJ shows are not in the very front at the stage. Our seats were in the front row of the 2nd tier and only a few rows back were the VIPs and John Branca, Karen Langford, John Landis, Rick Baker, Ola Ray, Joe and Jackie Jackson filled these seats. Rick Baker being directly behind us and John Branca in the outside seat on our right 4 rows back and Joe Jackson and Ola Ray on the left. Again I felt blessed to know without trying we were honored to have the best viewing seats as has happened so many times. Thank You God for special favors you know I love.
As we waited for the show to begin I enjoyed a big bag of popcorn in a most MJ way as a trailer for Michael Jackson’s Halloween played over and over along with MJ trivia questions. I laughed out loud as I answered the trivia correctly. Most MJ fans can. Seems we have a special compartment in our brains for MJ. The Halloween cartoon which will debut on CBS this Friday, Oct 27, 2017 looks so cool! It is so awesome that Michael’s dream of making Halloween especially MJ is being fulfilled. Thank you to the Estate who has made this happen along with many other dreams Michael outlined in his 'to do list' he outlined when he was rehearsing for 'This Is It'.
Soon Nick Cannon walked out on stage donned in his now typical turban head gear and opened the event. First up... the Ghosts movie/short film in all it’s awesomeness but on the big screen. WOW!!! Viewing Ghosts in a theater is a whole new experience and brings to light details I’ve never noticed while watching it on DVD. The big screen makes Ghosts crisp and NEW! It’s like seeing it for the first time AGAIN… but even better. I felt so much joy thinking Michael must have been feeling so proud as he watched from heaven, glittery socks & loafers dangling over the edge of a cloud as he downed a bag of popcorn while watching the crowd enjoy his work as it was meant to be seen.
Next was the new Blood on the Dance Floor video played to not as much excitement. Jamie King and Cirque dancers putting their spin on MJ’s iconic original short film. All I can say about this one is it was so freaking awesome to see MJ’s gorgeousness in his red Blood On The Dance Floor suit up on the big screen and I wish there were more... much more of MJ in it.
Nick Cannon then introduced John Landis to say a few words and introduce Thriller 3D, saying that he felt Michael would be so happy with the result of Thriller in 3D which was Michael's dream. “PUT ON YOUR GLASSES!!!” he laughed and echoed to us from the wings as an after thought while he exited the stage. Each seat had been supplied with 3D glasses so on they went as Thriller 3D loomed to life and filled the screen to whoops, applause and cheers. WOW! WOW! WOW! From the very first familiar scene that we have viewed probably millions of times by now… it was fresh, new, crisp and PRESENT. I felt a stark deja vu, as if catapulted back to the 80s feeling I was viewing Thriller for the first time… AGAIN! The freaking details you see in Thriller 3D are mind boggling.
What a fantastically amazing job John Landis has done with this short film. I could imagine and feel Michael’s joy at finally having his work of art honored in 3D and another dream of his completed.
All I can convey is just think about Michael’s face smiling that playful, smirky grin in Thriller as he says, “Yeah, you were scared” in 3D on the big screen. I mean REALLY???? Yeah! That!!!
It was an amazingly joyful and wonderful evening. I do however have to say as always all the joy was countered with the nagging, old sadness that over took us on June 25, 2009. That sadness... the hole left in our collective hearts when the world lost MJ that will simply never go away. As well as the sadness that Michael himself is not present to see so many of his dreams and plans come to fruition. We will always miss you, Michael, and be forever grateful for all the joy, beauty and talent you gave the world. I'm personally so grateful I lived during your lifetime. The world is so much better because “We Had You” and there will forever remain a void in the heart of the world with you gone. Oh how we could use your L.O.V.E. and caring, loving consciousness for what was right and good for ALL in these times we live.
After the screening we began to make our way to the After Party upstairs but not before giving a big MJFSC cheer to John Landis who was greeting people at the seats right behind us. On the count of three we let out a big, “THANK YOU JOHN!!” Yes, thank you, for making MJ’s dream come true and blessing us with another short film work of art which again sets the bar even higher. We have all known for decades that Thriller will simply NEVER be topped… Thriller 3D is the only exception.
At the after party we mingled along side celebs and HUGE MJ fans. Some spontaneously replicating MJ’s moves, quite exquisitely, on the dance floor. We were blessed to meet Puerto Rico born, Esai Morales and my dear friend, Deborah, exuberantly did not hesitate to tell him she loved his work in La Bamba. I was too shy to approach him. He was gracious and gorgeous.
Renowned DJ, Steve Aoki, pumped out the music as we noshed on hors d’oeuvres, enjoyed the open bar, mingled, sang and danced. It was a great night!
MJ fans will be thrilled to know that in the not too distant future 'Ghosts' will also be remade into 3D and Thriller 3D will soon be released world wide.
🎶 Cause this is THRILLER, thriller night! And no one's gonna save you from the beast about to strike! 🎶
Watch Full Show Here!
'Michael Jackson Halloween'
Minggu, 25 Juni 2017
Michael Jackson 8 Years Gone ♥ ♥ ♥
"I will forever be counting backward from June 25, 2009" ~ Betty Byrnes
This June 25, 2017 is the 8th anniversary of the tragic loss of Michael Jackson... the King of Pop... the King of Hearts. At the time of his death I'd been living a very private, limited life.... protecting my children and myself from the world, licking wounds from a nightmarish marriage ravaged by drug addiction, abuse and divorce, the loss of my mother and more than one company lay off. I was already numb... had been numb for years. Michael Jackson's death obliterated the numbness and served as the catalyst that tore open my heart exposing years of pain. There simply was no time to deal with or heal from the chasm of grief as I attempted to just survive the crap storm of my life. His death magnified every loss, exposing it all fresh and anew. His death also served as the tool which ripped me out of the protected, limited, sedate 'church' world I'd been hiding in, catapulting me into a public, worldwide sisterhood, the axis of my life forever altered. Ultimately Michael Jackson's death was the synergy needed for healing and growth in my life.
One of Michael's greatest wishes was that the world connect in love. It seems that in death this wish was somewhat achieved as millions have connected in love for him and now for each other as we have grown to know and love one another. I have made beautiful friendships I will always cherish. Grief they say is experienced in stages. I've felt at times on this roller coaster of grief like I was treading muddy water, yet at other times I've felt as though I was on the highest spiritual mountain feeling a very special touch from above. Then again if you do not allow yourself to experience each stage fully they say you will need to loop back and continue to experience it over and over. I've seen that in some MJ fans who continue to sob hysterically over his loss as if it were yesterday. My heart breaks for them as they stagnant in any particular stage. Personally for the most part I have been able to move on to 'Acceptance'... thank God. Now I know and feel 'Time' is the answer. It's been 8 years now and although Michael will never be forgotten there is so much happening in this world that demands immediate attention and passion to carry L.O.V.E. and 'freedom' forward. Hopefully I can now practice Michael's message to "Make That Change" as best I can in this crazy, unjust world.
In my heart I will forever be grateful to Michael Jackson, a man I never knew, an incredible loving, kind and generous man who spent his entire life bringing music, joy, love and CHANGE for the better into the lives of people around the world. He truly was God's chosen child of love, a child prodigy who forever retained the magic of a child's heart and an adult icon that will never be forgotten. It still amazes me how he globally radiated more talent than any one human has ever shown the world. His love for the hurting and this planet was stratospheric.
My family at times did not quite understand my love and gratitude for Michael Jackson. Sometimes it's hard for people to accept change in those they love. There is a comfort in keeping people limited and unchanged, because as those they love stretch and grow it also requires they too stretch their own acceptance and understanding... sometimes they simply are not ready for that... simply do not want change. However my family for the most part saw my joy, the new energy MJ and the incredible journeys, friends and experiences that Michaeling ushered into my life... and were happy for me. Several of my grandchildren totally 'get it' and when they visit with me ask to see his short films and hear his music and clearly love it as it's impossible to listen to Michael's music and not be lifted by the positive energy. They also enjoy a visit to his Hollywood walk of fame star and other Hollywood landmarks on outings together. My youngest grand daughter who has such a sensitive heart and spirit enjoyed a visit to the Neverland gates while on a trip up north with grandma to see the Monarch Butterfly Grove. These moments are so special for me. One Christmas my son thrilled me with a present of a giant 'This Is It' theater poster to add to my MJ collectibles. I truly felt he 'got it'. I hold on to these precious moments as it is always so nice to feel accepted and loved by those we love so deeply.... and so very heartbreaking when they reject us after we show our true heart.
So here it is 8 years after losing Michael... way too soon... the MJ family around the world has gone through much. We have come to know each other amidst our common bond. In observation some remain stagnant... maybe comfortable in the pain... or stuck in emotional problems that were there before his death and manifested openly with his death... who knows? Some have turned Michael into their personal god and literally pray to him. Yikes... but to each their own. My personal choice is to pray to the God who created the world and all of us in it... as Michael did... always pointing upward and acknowledging that he and all his gifts came from God. Some sit on their self appointed perch judging others finding some lack what makes a fan a fan, comfortable in their superior fandom... this attitude boggles my mind. Some exhaustively need to tell everyone over and over they are the 'biggest and bestest' MJ fan EVER, know 'everything', have been 'everywhere' MJ related and met 'everyone' connected to MJ in any way shape or form. Maybe this validates them on MJ's level somehow... who knows? Some have taken a small real life interaction with Michael to a whole other level turning themselves into self proclaimed fan type celebrities. Some take these small real life encounters they had with Michael... sometimes only a picture or a moment and create an entire book jammed with fiction and lies all for the sake of making money off the fans. Some continue to also exhaust everyone constantly stirring the pot of controversy instigating drama and unfounded rumors never able to grasp the love and peace message Michael shared with the world. UGH! At the other end of that spectrum some have tired of the drama or life circumstances have moved them on and they have disappeared from the MJ community completely. Some, the number seems to dwindle each year, continue to make the loving pilgrimage to Los Angeles each June when funds allow especially for the beautiful One Rose for Michael J. Jackson event. Personally for me at this point in my life I have learned to lead a more rounded, full life... less obsessing over/about Michael and more inspired by Michael's example to expand my boundaries, appreciate trying new things, learn more, read more, listen to more different types of music and artists, embrace art, creativity and design, enjoy museums and treasure hunting in antique and thrift stores, which I love, and when funds allow travel. I have expanded my 'Michaeling' to 'Make That Change' even in the smallest of ways in my family, life, neighborhood and community by becoming more politically educated and active in my personal tiny sphere of influence. His touch and influence on my life always present in all I do with the Lord, my source, as my guide.
The one thing I will ALWAYS hold dear from the MJ community are the very close friends that the Lord brought into my life via Michael Jackson. I hold those friendships close to my heart and cherish all the unique qualities of each one. I am so grateful and thankful for the those who have traveled this journey of grief recovery with me whether online or in person. God bless each and every one of you wherever you may live in this world. May we all heal where we are at this moment in time and may our journey continue in joy and love.
Jumat, 22 April 2016
♥ RIP Prince ♥ The Purple One
♥ Prince Rogers Nelson RIP
June 7, 1958 - April 21, 2016 ♥
When The Doves Cry in heaven... they will be crying Purple Rain.
♥ To be honest I was not really a Prince fan... not like Michael. There is no comparing Michael Jackson or Prince... they were different... one the 'good boy' image one the 'bad boy' image... much like the Beatles and Rolling Stones were in the 60s and 70s. However according to stories from those who knew Michael Jackson... they there were good friends. You could see in their artistry the similarities, the competitiveness, the admiration for one another and the commitment to create outside the box. Well... truly there was NO box for either of them... but then that's how it is with genius minds. If socially acceptable creative rules said 'don't' they pretty much 'did'... just each in their own way... differently.
♥ It's eerie and telling to me that they both were born in the same year, both died two months before their next earth birthdays and both died on a Thursday. Also they both held the number 7 as a favorite. They both embraced and loved living a mysterious and reclusive life style. And no matter the public image or media spin they were both kind, both gentlemen and both humanitarians.
Honestly... I didn't really like all of Prince's music like I do MJ's... but some songs were the bomb... Purple Rain and Little Red Corvette, Sometimes It Snows In April are my favs. What I really loved was Prince's genius, artistry and sense of style. He was unique. His concerts were amazing... and I'm so very happy I made the decision in 2011 to attend 2 of his concerts during his '21 Nite Stand' residency, on his 'Returning 2 America Tour', at what was then the original Forum. The same original Forum where Jackson 5 performed in 1972. In fact I "had" to go to his concert... no way was I going to live as I did when MJ died thinking yet again... if only I'd gone to one of his concerts when he was in L.A. The world knows NO ONE could put on a show like Michael did... the spectacle, the energy, the magnitude... his shows were unearthly, especially when he went out on his own. Not even Prince, especially at the old Forum, could reach that level but from what I saw he must surely have been a damn close second with musicality, artistry, energy and showmanship. Prince even played an 'Off The Wall - Don't Stop Til You Get Enough' tribute for his friend Michael at these concerts. Although I share here his concerts were absolutely amazing... for me they reaffirmed the regret of what I'd missed... the echoing 'if only' I'd been able to experience one of Michael's concerts in person... 'Oh what would it have been like?'
What was so different about Prince for these concerts was unlike most other artists of today... ruled by money... he lowered his prices on these concerts so that just about anyone could afford to go. Lowered them to the nostalgic 1970's prices of $25 a seat which ironically in the 70s was way to expensive for me. Back then my day to day life was all about surviving and making sure the children were fed, clothed and the bills were paid. Just survival... making it through each day.... so I rarely ever went to a concert... unless on a date. Although the $25 seats were also great, in the mid range viewing area, and one night I did take advantage of them... on the first night I attended I opted for the more expensive seats closer to the stage in the right loge area. Awesome seats!!!
Many celebrities, entertainers and just some media famous all came out to see Prince in concert and were always seated on the floor directly in front of the right stage where stairs gave them access to the stage. Many on the floor were also MJ fans and Balmain jackets (replicas of MJ's) and military jackets were seen everywhere... intermingled with purple clothes of all types. Each night he called many of the celebs on stage to dance with him during the OTW tribute. Prince over the years has sung many of MJ's songs: Don't Stop Til You Get Enough, Shake Your Body (Down to the Ground), Dancing Machine, The Way You Make Me Feel and I Want You Back; however this night his tribute to Michael was OTW's DSTYGE and this particular night Rebbie Jackson danced on stage. Also Austin Brown and her other children attended along with many other celebs over the span of residency concerts he held at the Forum. To name only a few Nicole Scherzinger, Christina Millian, Marc Anthony, Gwen Stefani and one night he called Kim Kardashian on stage where she just stood in her red carpet pose... he told her to dance... she started to... errr 'dance' shaking her booty out of time to the music and he laughed and told her, "Get off the stage."... which I found hilarious.
Prince concert at the original Forum 2011 |
Prince kicks Kim K off the stage
♥ Prince showed time and again he understood and cared about his fans in a way that is almost unheard of today. He came out onto the Colosseum floor after the concert and rode a bike around in circles one night just to hang with fans and staff workers still milling about. Some nights he'd do 2 to 4 encores for the fans. One of the night's I attended he came back out on stage and kept playing to late minglers. Many had left but a spattering of fans had stayed in their seats waiting for the main rush of the crowd to leave... with whispers to "stay in your seats he may come back out and do an encore". Then to our utter amazement and absolute joy he did!! He reappeared with his full band and played another short set for us. The entire stage was his 'symbol' lit mostly in shades of purple throughout the show. His band was in the middle of the top, circular section where he also would walk down stairs to an open elevator platform and disappear or reappear. That is where he reappeared for us... then walked right over to us on the right side of the cross section very close to where we were originally seated. We were then able to move down close into the abandoned front row seats... right in front of him... up close and personal. He smiled and joked and laughed and jammed with us. I wish I could remember what he said... but I was so gob smacked and dumb founded I couldn't remember it even on that night as we finally left. It was absolutely amazing, intense and euphoric. I'll never forget it.... he took us to music church... he was one with his guitar, made it sing and make sounds most guitars do not make... his voice... his style... his movement (OMG could he move)... there is nothing to explain seeing him jam full out right in front of your eyes. He was the ultimate showman!
Great recap by a Prince fan of the 21 Nite Stand
♥ Prince showed time and again he understood and cared about his fans in a way that is almost unheard of today. He came out onto the Colosseum floor after the concert and rode a bike around in circles one night just to hang with fans and staff workers still milling about. Some nights he'd do 2 to 4 encores for the fans. One of the night's I attended he came back out on stage and kept playing to late minglers. Many had left but a spattering of fans had stayed in their seats waiting for the main rush of the crowd to leave... with whispers to "stay in your seats he may come back out and do an encore". Then to our utter amazement and absolute joy he did!! He reappeared with his full band and played another short set for us. The entire stage was his 'symbol' lit mostly in shades of purple throughout the show. His band was in the middle of the top, circular section where he also would walk down stairs to an open elevator platform and disappear or reappear. That is where he reappeared for us... then walked right over to us on the right side of the cross section very close to where we were originally seated. We were then able to move down close into the abandoned front row seats... right in front of him... up close and personal. He smiled and joked and laughed and jammed with us. I wish I could remember what he said... but I was so gob smacked and dumb founded I couldn't remember it even on that night as we finally left. It was absolutely amazing, intense and euphoric. I'll never forget it.... he took us to music church... he was one with his guitar, made it sing and make sounds most guitars do not make... his voice... his style... his movement (OMG could he move)... there is nothing to explain seeing him jam full out right in front of your eyes. He was the ultimate showman!
Great recap by a Prince fan of the 21 Nite Stand
♥ Prince reminded us always that everyone is just doing the best we can to make it through this life.... so have compassion for one another. Thinking of hearing him say this at the concert and then seeing it online the day he passed from this earth... the tears flow. Prince, seems you just couldn't make it through one more day... Rest in Peace sweet soul.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here this day to get through this thing called life." ~ Prince
I've heard personal stories from those who knew Michael. I'm not at liberty to share names; however they shared Michael loved his friend, Prince. Michael and Prince kept in touch by phone all the time and Michael sent him giant baskets full of videos, music, candy and pop corn. Just thoughtful gifts from one friend to another enjoying like minded interests.
Not the canary yellow suit but the yellow and his jaunty step reminded me so much of the story shared by the Slamdunk Sisters |
♥ I've been thinking alot about one such story the 'Slamdunk Sisters' (MJ's personal chefs) shared about Prince coming to visit Michael at Neverland. Here is what I wrote about that portion of Brad Sundberg's seminar in 2014:
- MJ’s personal chefs were also on hand with MJ’s fav food for us to indulge in. I especially enjoyed the enchiladas, pop corn and Hot Banana Pudding. Two ladies, The Slam Dunk Sisters, as MJ dubbed them, shared stories about cooking for MJ and time with him. Michael flew them all over the world when he craved their cooking. One story in particular about a time they were summoned to cook MJ’s favorite dinner ‘cheese enchiladas’ at Neverland for a visitor. How MJ leaned over the upstairs banister and yelled to them there would be someone knocking on the door soon and that he wanted them both to answer it and he’d be down in a while. Soon there was the knock so they went to the door and opened it and there stood PRINCE. Yes! That Prince... Purple Rain Prince... all decked out top to bottom in a canary yellow suit with white platform shoes and a top hat with a large white plum out the side. He stood there meekly holding a little gift box for Michael. They were totally at a loss for words and just stood back against the wall as he walked in the front door past them... speechless... their mouths hanging open. MJ took a while to make his entrance then suddenly appeared at the top of the stairs, glittering and dressed to the nines... for an outfit showdown. There he stood saying nothing just looking directly at Prince. Prince took a stance like 'Check me out!' and MJ responded with his pose... giving each other the showdown glare with each striking pose. This went on for sometime as they showed their awesome stuff off. Then they broke into laughter and started giggling, slapping each other on the back and telling each other how great they looked. They settled in for a long night of friendship, dinner and movies... just hanging out and being themselves.
Original Michael's Heart article with the Slamdunk Sisters story
Unreal, unbelievable Super Bowl XLI Halftime Show
♥ Only Prince could perform in the rain just as if it was planned that way... and give the performance which landed him in one of the best Super Bowl performances of all time... right up there with his friend, MJ.
"Yes, it's raining"... "Can you make it rain harder?"
♥ [excerpt] President Barack Obama, for whom Prince was a White House guest last year, said he and his wife "joined millions of fans from around the world" in mourning Prince's sudden death.
"Few artists have influenced the sound and trajectory of popular music more distinctly, or touched quite so many people with their talent," Obama said in a statement. " 'A strong spirit transcends rules,' Prince once said — and nobody's spirit was stronger, bolder, or more creative."
♥ Prince you will be forever missed... you left an indelible mark on this world in your mysterious, wild, crazy, bad-ass... yet kind and gentle way. Please say hello and give our L.O.V.E. to Michael from us all. Thank you for all you gave this world. ♥
Nate Giorgio tribute to Prince 2016 |
Sabtu, 02 April 2016
♥ One Rose for Michael J. Jackson 2016 .இڿڰۣ-Ú°ۣ—
♥ Final rose count... 10,547 for One Rose for Michael J. Jackson 2016 !!
The sea of red roses WILL be there at Forest Lawn, Holly Terrace for Michael again this year! This will be the 7th year MJ fans from around the world keep the red rose LOVE alive. It's a beautiful event that not only blesses Michael and others but also makes a huge statement to the entire world that Michael is LOVED and still in our hearts... no amount of positive PR could say to the media and the world what the roses do on June 25th.
♥ Roses again this year are still a very affordable $3 each. It's a great way to join together to send a giant bouquet of love to Michael on June 25th!
All the information you need to purchase your roses is found here:
One Rose for Michael J. Jackson Website
♥ The One Rose event is a unifying and beautiful showing of LOVE for Michael and that LOVE is then 'paid forward' for people in need. I have personally witnessed year after year... over and over again an empty sad face turned to joy when handed Michael's roses. Then when they hear that the roses in their hands are from the One Rose for Michael Jackson their eyes light up even brighter. It is such a blessing... a huge gift for them to feel that someone cares. Some have not received flowers, love or a hug in a very long time. They walk away with a smile on their face, a little lighter in their step and happier in their soul. I feel Michael shines his light on so many sad souls via One Rose.
♥ It's not about the number of roses... never has been... but always about the love that is given and shared. However; it is fun to take at look at how this event has grown over the years.
Rose count through the years:
The first year anniversary of Michael's passing in 2010... MJ fans sent 3,000 red roses of LOVE to Michael at Holly Terrace...
The following years...
2011 - 4,500
2012 - 10,477
2013 - 13,477
2014 - 15,627
2015 - 15,537
What number of roses will be there for Michael this year... 2016?
♥ Passion Growers will be providing the roses again this year for Michael's One Rose event. Refrigerated roses arrive in lovely bundles, set in specially treated and cooled water which allows them extended freshness.
♥ Thank you again to Robyn Starkand and Sarrah Alise Carmona for all your hard work and comittment to this annual event for Michael Jackson. Also a VERY big "Thank You" to all those who show up to work on this event every June and promote it all season long.
♥ Such beautiful memories. I will never forget the joy, peace and LOVE of these special moments at Holly Terrace in 2012. Thank you Robyn... such a privilege to be apart of this project for many years now. ♥ As you see in this video it truly was All For LOVE of Michael and one another. ♥
Minggu, 06 Maret 2016
♥ Betcha Remember The Time Meet & Greet 2016 ♥
♥ Remember The Time - I Betcha Remember ♥
What: Betcha Remember The Time Meet and Greet 2016
(formerly MJ Glitter Tattoo Meet and Greet)
Who: Michael Jackson Fans of Southern California (MJFSC)
When: Tuesday, June 21, 2015
Time: 3 - 7pm
Where: Sheraton Universal Hotel
333 Universal Hollywood Dr,
Universal City, California 91608
- ** Front Lobby in the Cabana Bar lounge
- *** $10 Event ticket which will cover the cost of the venue.
If you are attending please make your cover charge payment here: This event will definitely be taking place. Looking forward to seeing all who are able to attend there.
Possible Special Guest: TBA
Get Directions to Universal Sheraton click here
We celebrate the life and LOVE of Michael Jackson as MJ fans from all over the world meet at the Universal Sheraton Hotel just at the bottom of the hill from Universal City Walk.
Meet those you have come to know and love via Face Book in person... This is an informal, mingle and nosh, relaxed event in a lounge atmosphere.Michael continues to weave his tapestry of LOVE around the world... and at this event that world becomes a little smaller as we get to know one another face to face.
There will again be Glitter Tattoos available... in many different colors. Be brilliant and creative!
Betcha Remember The Time Meet and Greet 2016 on Face Book - click here
Nobody sees a flower really; it is so small. We haven't time, and to see takes time - like to have a friend takes time. Georgia O'Keeffe
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Nobody sees a flower really; it is so small. We haven't time, and to see takes time - like to have a friend takes time. Georgia O'Keeffe
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Making Michael Inside The Career of Michael Jackson
These days, there are books about Michael that talk about all kinds of things about him: his personal life, his money, his impact, the false...
Our Friend, Majestik, left his earthly home last night in the wee hours. He lost his courageously fought battle with brain cancer on Friday,...
“I shall pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do i...
An announcement from the Estate of Michael Jackson by the MJ Online Team: Hello: As with so many times before, Michael Jackson’s artistry an...